Monday, August 15, 2016

2016-2017 Library Orientation

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away there was a library orientation just waiting to be read!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

After School Cleanup April 28, 2016

National Honor Society and Beta Club 

Do not for get about our after school cleanup scheduled for this Thursday. Make sure to wear appropriate clothing. The meeting is from 2:45 to 4:00, make sure to let your parents know that we will be staying after for an extra 30 minutes than usual.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Book Bunny

Every library should have a mascot, and the Lassiter Library is proud to introduce Mr. B. Baker our new book bunny.

 Mr. B. Baker got his unusual name from the very famous author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle whose most famous character Sherlock Holmes lives at 
221 B. Baker Street in London.

If you have not yet read any classic mysteries from Doyle, you can check out some of his best works here: 

Although, Doyle wrote his first novel in as early as 1879 he did not publish the first Sherlock Holmes Mystery until 1886.  Doyle's extensive education in medicine makes the character of Sherlock Holmes still relevant today and his works are still widely reproduced in plays, movies and on television.  
Actors such as Robert Downey Junior, Benedict Cumberbatch and Johnny Miller have even portrayed Sherlock.

Part 1:  Find out who Sherlock’s crime solving bestie is and leave a comment below! 

Part 2:  Find out the origin of the quote, “The game is afoot.”  Provide at least 2 reliable sources for your information. 

Part 3: In a paragraph, explain why you believe Sherlock Holmes is still an amazing character after 130 years.  Back up your argument with valid resources and a strong argument.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Mrs. Thomas Flat Stanley Project

What is the Flat Stanley Project?

The basic principle of The Flat Stanley Project is to connect students with communities across the world by sending out "flat" visitors, through the mail.

Students can talk about, track and write about their flat character's journey and adventure!  Flat Stanley is an enriching and engaging activity. 

The sender and the recipient already have a mutual friend, Flat Stanley. Writing and learning becomes easier, flows naturally, and tends to be more creative. Flat Stanley is an “authentic” literacy project, in that students are inspired to write of their own passion and excitement about the project, and given the freedom to write about many things through the rubric of the Flat Stanley character.

Where has Stanley Visited?

Assignment:  You will have an opportunity to discover where Flat Stanley has visited across the United States and even across the globe as we work on our project!  Stanley has been a very busy traveler and he has a lot to teach us…

Part 1:  Click on the following link Lassiter Library Pinterest

 Part 2:  Create an account on Pinterest to explore the states and countries Flat Stanley has visited.  

Part 3: Mrs. Thomas will assign you a state and country to explore.

Part 4:  Complete your handout on your state and country by using the Lassiter Library Pinterest links provided.  Be as detailed as possible, because you will be sharing your discoveries with the class!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Four Components to Art
Today we will be pulling knowledge from our notes and discussion to 
complete research on our Art Project.

You will be focusing on the Power Point from yesterday’s lesson:

In order to complete your research, you will need to find credible sources to site as references.  Please see the sample reference provided in the power point.

You may use search engines or the LassiterPinterest Page, which has several sites already marked for you including timelines to help you make your choice of art work. 

Be sure you are choosing arts you are passionate about or feel a strong 
connection too while you are researching.  

Remember your four tasks throughout this project:
1.        Describe
2.       Analyze
3.       Interpret
4.       Judge