Internship Criteria

Looking for a way to get involved with your school library?

We have internships available for the 2016-2017 school year.

What are we looking for in the library?
Leadership Skills
Cooperation with Others
Independent Worker & Learner

In order to become a library intern you must qualify under the following guidelines:
- Maintain an A average
-Score Distinguished on State Testing
-Have 3 EXCEPTIONAL Teacher References
See below for the form your teachers will fill out!

See Mrs. Unger for more information.

Teacher’s Signature_____________________________Subject____________________
The student listed above is applying for an internship with the Lassiter Library.  I am particularly interested in the student’s ability and motivation to perform academically, work independently and to work cooperatively with others including teachers and staff. 
Please rate the student from 1-5 (5 being the best) using the checklist below. 
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
__________1.  Academic Performance
__________2.  Leadership Skills
__________3.  Cooperation with Others
__________4.  Respect for Authority
__________5.  Organizational/Time Management Skills
__________6.  Dependability
__________7.  Self-motivation
__________8.  Overall Character

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