Monday, April 24, 2017


How can you keep reading this summer? 

I have two great ideas to share with you today:

1.)  Get out of the house and visit your local public library!  You can even earn prizes.
Image result for fairdale public library

Do you want Kentucky Science Center Tickets?
Do you want Louisville Women’s Basketball tickets?
How about Louisville Cardinals women’s and men soccer tickets?
Would you like a free Italian lemon ice from Fazoli’s or a Frosty from Wendy’s?
Do you want a water bottle and a chance to win a portable charger?

These can all be yours for free! All you have to do is read this summer! 
The Louisville Free Public Library presents Summer Reading 2017! If you read 6 books this summer from June 1st to August 12th, these prizes are yours! 

You can check out more information here: Fairdale Public Library.

2.)  For those of you who would rather stay in this summer, you can check out Audio Book Sync for FREE.  Yes, you read that right it is a FREE teen reading program.
Here is a little bit of information about SYNC here: Teens Summer Reading at Audio Book SYNC

You can sign up here, but be sure to get your parents approval before you download anything! Sign up here!

Happy Reading!

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